Thursday, August 1, 2013

Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily... Life Is But A Dream

One of the best things about John is his sisters. Unfortunately, Emily doesn't live here (yet), but I have been able to hang out with Abby quite a lot. And while John isn't so interested in being outdoors and running 5K's, Abby is. Which is great for me!

Recently, Abby and I decided to snatch up a Living Social deal for a paddle boarding lesson and rental. Paddle boarding is like kayaking, except your standing on a very wide surfboard. It looks tricky and intimidating, but it was surprisingly easy!

Neither of us had paddle boarded before, so we were both expecting to fall in a lot. However, it's almost more difficult to fall off the board than it is to stay on. Actually, our guide told us that it's almost impossible for the boards to flip over. So if you do fall off, you can actually use the board to pull yourself back on the board, like you would the side of the pool.

I know this because I actually did fall off. Yeah, all this talk of how hard it is to fall off and here I am falling off. But we had just rescued a basketball and there was a tree branch I couldn't paddle around fast enough, so... there you go.

Paddle boarding is a great work out for your core and arms! You can definitely feel it in your obliques as you propel yourself forward. Our paddle board location was on the most beautiful river, and there was a rope swing! That may have been the best part about the paddle boarding.

The water was freezing. The rivers are disgusting to swim in. And we had to walk through mud, climb rocks and scale trees in order to swing. But we're just adventurers like that.

Abby getting ready to swing.
Me getting ready to swing.

Abby's not so graceful entry.
My not so graceful entry.

But we got better...
Such a pretty day!

Next, we hope to conquer paddle board yoga, and then we're moving on to bigger and wilder. Down river boarding, here we come!

Our next adventure!!

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