Monday, July 15, 2013

A Resolution Fit for Keeping

I'm not one for New Year's Resolutions. I very rarely make them and even more rarely keep them. However, this year has been different...

Last fall I decided to do a half-marathon in Dallas with one of my best friends. I had done a few half marathons before, and it always took me too long to run again after completing one. So with race day in early December, I decided to make my New Year's Resolution running-involved. I decided to do one running/fitness event each month. This way I would constantly have a goal to work toward and I wouldn't fall of the training wagon.

So far, I've been pretty successful! A recap:

I kicked off the year with the 2013 Donut Dash. My best friend Courtney came to visit, and we had a blast running it. Each water station had boxes of donut holes, not to mention the full donuts at the beginning and end of the race. Eating a donut hole at each of the five water stations was a great added challenge to the 3 mile run.
Courtney and I with our Finisher's donuts!
Lots of donut holes at every water station.

Next, my friend Kimberly and I ran the Hot Chocolate 5k (Are you sensing a theme? I seriously only run to eat). Getting there was absolute craziness. The traffic was horrible and there were many times that we thought about turning back and skipping the mess. Luckily, we pushed through and made it to the race. Although we were a few minutes late, we just hopped in with a later heat and nobody seemed to mind. It was a good race and at the end we were given a cup of hot chocolate, chocolate fondue and all sorts of treats to dip in said chocolate. This made the craziness all worth it.
Kimber and I with our goodies!

Yummy treats!
My mom came out to cheer us on and navigate the traffic!

John's sister, Abby, and I decided to do a 10 mile race this month. We were both training for our big runs in May--Abby was running the PIttsburgh marathon, and I was running the half. I was extremely nervous about this run because Abby had told me she wouldn't let me stop. Luckily, we made it through the entire thing and Abby was nice enough to run EXTREMELY slow with me. In all honesty, the hardest part about this run was finding a Dr. Pepper afterward. Two gas stations and a Rite Aid later, I had to settle on Diet. Boo. And unfortunately for me, this run turned out to be the last long run of my half-marathon training (oops).
Just a 10-mile run in the park

It was decided that I would move to Pittsburgh the month of April, and I chose my moving date based on my next event. April 13 I participated in my first ever CrossFit competition and on April 14, John and I drove away for good. I love CrossFit, but I'm not very good at it. Luckily, I just barely finished in the top half of women in the beginner division. I was so grateful that my parents and friends were able to come and cheer me on (and not to mention, help pack things and move after the event)! I haven't been able to join a CrossFit gym in Pittsburgh yet, but I do kind of miss it. Maybe someday I'll get back into it.
So glad my friends came to watch and cheer me on!

Clean and jerk competition--105 lbs!
Gotta love CrossFit... and burpees!

The Pittsburgh half marathon! You can read more about it on my previous blog here.
Marathon and half-marathon finishers!

Abby and I signed up for the 5k Color Me Rad. Basically you wear white, run 3 miles and every so often have colored paint powder thrown on you. We decided to go with the "Risky Business" theme and wore oversized white dress shirts, tube socks and shades. For whatever reason, we think this concept was lost on people. Idiots. It was a really fun run, although the race course was mostly on a gravel parking lot, and it made for a terrible running surface.
Rocking the Risky Business look. You get it, right??

And after... Covered in color.

Not long after the color run, Abby suffered from an alleged foot injury. I'm not entirely sure what the exact diagnosis is, but she has to stay off of it for a good month or two. Luckily, my hero swooped in and agreed to do a 2 mile charity walk for Pittsburgh Charities. Target was participating, so I signed us up along side my co-workers. Saturday morning, we put on our matching Pirates T's (we got them for free at the game the night before), and we arrived at the race site around 7:45. The walk was scheduled to begin at 8, or so I thought. The website said they were expecting thousands of people, but the starting line was surprisingly desolate. It wasn't until I checked another website that I realized the walk actually started at 9:30. I wish I had seen that site earlier. But even the flyer at Target said it started at 8, so who was I to second guess it? Luckily, John was understanding, and we decided to just take our own little walk and leave. Unfortunately, my July event was a bust.
In front of the fountain at The Point. I wish the walk had started at 8.

But look... it's really not my fault.

I have already registered for my August event, and I'm very excited for it. It's the Cranberry Township Aquathlon--a 5k run, 400m swim and 2.8k run. I did a sprint triathlon back in college, but I sucked at the biking part. So I'm glad this one replaces the biking with more running--well as glad as you can be about having to run more. Feel free to ask me how my training is going and make sure I'm staying on track.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Meeting the Mallicks

Every two years the Mallick siblings and their families get together for a family reunion. This year it was in Buffalo, NY over the 4th of July weekend. And I had the great pleasure of joining John for the vacation. John's dad is one of nine children. Eight of the nine were able to make it for the weekend and most of them are married with 1-3 children. I met a lot of people. It was a blast!

The reunion was held at John's aunt and uncle's house. They have a huge backyard with lots of land, including a pond stocked with fish! They put in an above-ground pool, built an amazing deck around the pool and even have a trampoline! We hung out at the house most afternoons, as there was plenty to do there. There was also a ton of food. I had just recovered from a little food poisoning incident where I dropped a couple of pounds. But I had no problem gaining it back with the pizza and wings that Buffalo is so famous for.

We arrived in Buffalo on the 4th for a nice picnic and fireworks show, put on by John, some of his uncles and cousins. Then, Friday morning we went to the Maid of the Mist. I had only seen the Niagara Falls a few months earlier on our trip back from Toronto, but I really got to experience it this time! It was so fun to get doused by the falls. After the boat ride, John and I trekked up the steps just along the falls. We were SOAKED!
American Falls from the Maid of the Mist.

Me, John, his sisters and cousin on Maid of the Mist.

The stairs we climbed after the boat.
That afternoon we did some arts and crafts. John's mom is a very skilled crafter, and she made everyone "smash" books. She brought stamps, stickers, pages and brads galore for us to fill our books with. Then we'll add pictures from the reunion. I'm pretty sure this was John's favorite part of the day. My favorite part of the day was that night when all the women of the family sat on the deck and shared some laughs. We also got to know his Aunt Maureen very well. She's so funny.
Family craft time

Such a good sport.
On Saturday, we went for a hike along the gorge. It's a beautiful trail along the Niagara River, and it's crazy to think that you're looking at Canada on the other side of the river. We had a relaxing afternoon, which included exploring the shops of Lewiston. Lewiston is a super quaint and cute town. I loved it. That night we went out for a BBQ dinner, which doubled as a surprise party for his Aunt Diane. They hired a photographer to take family pictures, and I was lucky enough to get this one with my handsome man.
Enjoying the BBQ and open bar!
The highlight of the dinner was when John's 10-year-old cousin, who I was sitting next to, turned to me and said "Aunt Jessica? (pause) Er... what do I call you?" This happened just after we bonded over our love for macaroni, chicken fingers and fresh baked bread. For once, my picky eating paid off!

Sunday morning was my favorite. We went on the whirlpool jet boat tour, which takes you through class 5 rapids! (Class 6 is the highest level, which the river also has. Unfortunately, the class 6 rapids are too dangerous for their boats, so we didn't get to go through them). As our guide said, no matter where you sit on the boat, it's still going to feel like you jumped in a pool. Of course, I sat in the front row with John, his uncle, cousin and sisters. We were creamed by the waves every time we went through them. There are some pictures where you can't even see us because we're under water. And it was cold!!!! They offered you ponchos to help protect you/keep you warm. I stupidly denied one. But I don't really regret it. 

We ate lunch along the river at a little place called the Silo. Their haystack sandwich was featured on Man vs. Food, so I had to get one. Steak, mozzarella, mayo and hashbrowns on a hoagie. It was delicious!
Our group before the jet boat tour.

So much fun!
I'm starting to think I should have people meet me in Lewiston instead of visiting me in Pittsburgh. It was seriously such a great weekend. The town, the activities, and the people. I loved it all!

Monday, July 8, 2013

I Love Zoos So Much, I Might As Well Marry (in) One

A few weeks ago John won two tickets to the zoo. That same day I was given a Target "Bullseye" dog, for being a top cashier. Naturally, we decided to switch prizes. When John and I had a day off together, we decided to go to the zoo. It was  really hot/muggy. I love zoos. I do not love hot/muggy. So, we had a pretty alright time. Here are some pictures from our trip to the zoo:
Snow leopard sleeping up next to the glass.
Baby gorilla at the zoo. They have to
nurse him because his mom is sick.
Can you imagine holding a baby gorilla as your job??
Adorable red panda!!!
Tiger cooling off in the waterfall. So pretty!
The flamingos must be eating gourmet
meals out of that chafing dish...
Baby rhino chillin next to his mama!
Baby elephant!!
The polar bears.
Underneath the swimming polar bear!
John and I with the polar bear.
Bottom view of sharks
during feeding time.
John and Molly, the camel
John has also recently decided that he wants to visit all of the major league baseball parks. There are 30 different ball parks, and he had seen 5 of them before he decided this. So he's mapped out his trips for the remainder of the season and set off on his first one last week. He went to Cincinnati for a Reds game and to visit two of his dear friends. I believe the highlight of his trip was eating nachos out of a batting helmet...
Great American Ballpark
Since I'm not totally in love with baseball, John has agreed that any time I accompany him on a trip to a ballpark, we can also go to the zoo! He doesn't understand why I love zoos so much, but I just do. It's nice to able to walk, talk and be entertained. Plus every trip is guaranteed to be different, even if you go to the same zoo! I just love zoos.

Needless to say, this blog is about to become full of pictures of baseball stadiums and zoos.