Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Final Countdown

As the final seconds of 2013 tick away this New Year's Eve, I will celebrate more than the incoming year. For the first time ever, I actually kept a New Years resolution. You may remember from a previous post, that I resolved to participate in one athletic event each month. My January through July events are reviewed here, but now I will update you on the latter part of the year.

When I last updated on my endeavor, I was preparing for my first-ever duathalon. It just so happened that my brother and dad were visiting the weekend of the event (the Steelers were playing the Chiefs in the pre-season, and they couldn't pass that opportunity up). However, John had gotten passes to participate in batting practice at PNC Park that same morning. So he took my brother, and my dad was stuck watching me race. This explains the lack of pictures from the event. In fact, this is the only picture I took:
The race was a 5k run, 400 meter swim and then 2.8k run. I probably did not prepare as much as I should have (I say that a lot) and the last 2.8k was awfully hard. There were a few times I thought I might actually be passing people, but they turned out to be just regular runners enjoying a jog in the park. So it was always depressing when I figured that out. And because they weren't competitors, I was convinced I finished dead last in the race. That all changed when I later looked at the race results:
THAT'S RIGHT! I WON MY AGE GROUP! Only I didn't. Cause as it turns out, I am not 24 years old. I am 26. So technically I would have finished 2nd in my real age group. And technically I ended up 36th out of 44 finishers.

Still, I had a blast at this race, and I plan on doing it again next year. Maybe I'll at least get my age right this time.

Things got a little wild in September. Abby and I decided to do the Wild Rumpus obstacle course race in Pittsburgh (thanks Living Social for the coupon!). It was based on the book "Where the Wild Things Are," so naturally Abby and I decided to dress up as Max. Our costumes were a real hit, especially because NOBODY ELSE DRESSED UP!

We didn't expect the race to be too challenging. And seeing as how the first few "obstacles" were us stepping through tires while volunteers shot us with squirt guns, it seemed we were right. But then we entered into the trails section. You know how when you run trails there's always a very steep embankment on one side? Well at one point, we had to run UP that super steep, not often tread upon embankment. Halfway up, they provided a rope to help you pull yourself up. Problem was, it had rained all day the day before, so the first half of the embankment was super slick and there was no rope. That little bit completely shocked my legs.
Not actual embankment.

What really sold me on the race was the fact that one of the obstacles was shooting a bow and arrow. Since reading The Hunger Games, I've felt extra empowered as a female and felt shooting a bow and arrow would prove my worth. I knew I could do it. I sprinted up to the station with confidence and my arrow went approximately two feet. I asked the volunteer if I had to actually hit the target before advancing. He told me no, but that I might have a better chance at hitting the target if I didn't hold the bow upside down (as I was) and pulled back all three strings (which I wasn't). My second attempt was better, but I still did not hit the target. We decided to just move on.
This race was incredibly trying and fun (one of the last obstacles was a big water slide!!). I will not take it lightly next time.

My October race was an easy choice. The Mario Lemieux foundation was putting on a 6.6k. Lemieux is a former Penguins player (one of the greatest) and now current owner of the team. He literally saved the team and kept them in Pittsburgh, so he's kind of a legend around town. His number was 66, hence the 6.6k. Not only did I think it was a unique distance, I was hoping the connection to the Penguins would convince John to participate with me.
Buuuuuuut, John was still a little on the fence. His parents were visiting that weekend, so I suggested they do it with us! In addition to the 6.6k, there was also a family fun, 1 mile walk. John still wasn't sure if he wanted to do it, but then I found out that participants got to go to an open Pens practice! That did the trick. His parents were on board as well, so it was an exciting family affair!
The course was nice and easy, there was a great medal and finishers t-shirt, nice selection of post-race food, and then I found out it was the first year of the race! I was blown away. I couldn't believe how well organized the whole affair was. But the best part was Mario Lemieux himself was at the race! I snapped a picture as I ran by, but John actually got to shake his hand as he finished. It was such a neat experience for John! That man is his hero!
Mario Lemieux at the starting line!
After the race, we got to go to the open practice. John and I have been to a few games before, but this time we got to sit down close to the ice! It was neat to see all the players up close and get a glimpse of their personalities.
Crosby, Fleury, Bennett (BABY FACE BEAU!), and Coach Bylsma

When I saw there was a 5k run at the zoo, I knew I had to do it. Luckily, Abby agreed to do it with me, and we were excited at the idea of getting half-off, possibly free (it was never made clear) admission to the zoo after the run. We decided at the last minute to dress up, and settled on masking tape-striped zebras. This time, we were 1 of maybe 10 people dressed up (COM'ON PITTSBURGH!).
We learned the hard way that the zoo is located at the top of the hill. So the course kinda kicked my ass. Very few (real) animals were out, and it was actually really cold. When the race was over, we stood around for awhile not really sure if/how/when we could go into the zoo. We decided it was too cold and unclear to stick around, so we went for brunch instead. We made the right choice. And I won't be doing this one again.
Abby think this picture is so hilarious.
The course was all uphill!!
We truly saved the best race for last! Abby and I traveled to Cleveland for "The Christmas Story" 10k run. As you may or may not know, the house that was used in The Christmas Story movie is actually located in Cleveland, OH. So the race started in the public square (where the old Higbee's Department store was located) and went to The Christmas Story house. For the 5k runners, it ended there, but for us 10k runners we ran back to the square. Upon arriving at the finish line, we were given awesome leg lamp medals and a fresh cup of hot Olvaltine!
Abby and I decided to dress up as leg lamps for the race, and we were pleasantly surprise to find that EVERYONE else dressed up too! Finally! Not only that, but people were so creative with their costumes! You know how you've probably never seen the movie from start to finish, bust just in parts? That's what it was like when we were running the race. You'd see a new costume, remember that part of the movie and then see another costume that would trigger a different part. There were robbers and dogs, moms and dads, pink nightmares and leg lamps, a blind Ralphie! It was great! The only slight downfall was that it was miserably cold! I'm talking 28 degrees people!
After the race, we were granted free admission to the house and museum with our race bibs. While Abby and I did plan to dress alike during the race, we did not plan the gray sweater, yellow scarf, black jacket ensemble for after… SISTERS!!
Of course I have plenty more pictures of the house and the remainder of our adventure in Cleveland. But since John wasn't able to join us for this trip, he and I traveled back to Cleveland (and the house) a week later. So I will recap the visits in a later post.
This was the first year for The Christmas Story race (celebrating the movie's 30th release anniversary). It may have been the best race of the year, and if they do it again, I'll definitely be participating.

So there it is, New Year's resolution complete!

Abby and I decided that our next goal is to compete in a race in every state by the time we're 50. So, if there's a good race in your state that you recommend, or a time of year that's best for us to visit, let me know!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Pumpkins and Duckins

This fall I did just that… I fell way behind on my blog. So now, with 13 days left until Christmas, I thought I'd catch up. Starting with Halloween.

Not Ducking Around
One of the highlights of the fall was the four-story tall rubber duck that nested on Pittsburgh's river for roughly 4 weeks. The promotion and advertising leading up to the event was huge. Stores all over downtown put rubber duck stickers in their windows and one even had small replica…
Well despite the ducks all over town, I still didn't think many people would come out for the duck's debut. My mom happened to be in town that weekend, and we decided to see the duck in. It was partnered with a nighttime pop-up market located on the Roberto Clemente bridge. I was so excited and very wrong about people not coming out. There were people EVERYWHERE!
The bridge was packed with people!
Not only were there a lot of people, but there were also a lot of famous guests too (of the Aves kind)!
Iceberg the mascot and James from the Aviary
After much anticipation, the duck finally made its way downstream. Due to the swarm of people, I wasn't able to get a great picture. We also didn't stay long enough to see it get closer, so this is the best I got…

Fall Family Fun
A few weeks later, John's mom and sister Emily came to visit (his sister Abby was getting back from her two-week trip to India, but that's another story). The day before Abby got home, we decided to visit Simmons Farm for some fall fest fun. We took a hayride, got lost in a corn maze, picked apples, pumpkins and corn, launched apples in a sling shot, and saw a pumpkin launcher!!! It was SO MUCH FUN!
My favorite picture--Mallicks forming a strategy in the corn maze.

After they got things figured out.
Family Shot!
John and I with our lucky pumpkins!

My first time apple picking!
Despite ALL of the family fun activities, John and Emily most enjoyed the farm animals. It was so funny to how excited they got around the goats, sheep and REALLY FAT PIG! John even bought some feed for the animals, and one of the sheep ate the dixie cup out of John's hand! Then the pig fell asleep and started pig snoring! Okay… the animals were pretty cool.

And with a few days to spare before Halloween, John and I finally carved our pumpkins. He attempted a pretty intricate design, and it turned out so well!
Proud of his pumpkin, proud of the Pirates
And my pumpkin…
Save the date!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Dreams Do Come True

Aside from finding the loves of our life and getting engaged (blah, blah, blah), John and I both had our dreams come true this year.

Don't Stop Believing
For the first time in 20 years, the Pirates finished above .500. A winning season! And not only that, they made the playoffs! And I'll do ya one better still, THEY WON THE WILD CARD GAME!!

The morning after we found out the Pirates would be playing in the Wild Card game, John drove me to school and rushed over to the stadium to buy play-off gear. Fortunately, this moment was captured by an Altoona news station (where John used to live!). So without further adieu... check it out! (Please enjoy the "modeling poses" at 0:55).

Because John was a season ticket holder (which I'm sure he'll tell you was the best decision of his life), he was able to purchase play-off tickets. So, we were lucky enough to attend the wild card game.
Before the Wild Card game.
We'd been to many baseball games before, but this one was unlike all the others. The atmosphere was electric. The stadium was full of Pirates fans... you hardly saw any Red. It was so neat! There was no extra chatter, every one was hanging on each pitch--John didn't even touch his game snacks!

The Reds' pitcher that night was Cueto. All of the Pirates fans started chanting "Cueto! Cueto! Cueto!" to get in his head. Well it worked! At one point the pitcher dropped the ball, only to have a homerun hit off of him the very next pitch. He was so shaken he got pulled in the bottom of the 4th! 
The Pirates went on to win 6-2, and I've never seen John so genuinely happy. I was lucky enough to catch the last out and his reaction, so enjoy these videos and photos....
The Gulf Tower downtown lit
up a "P" for the game
Some famous Pirates guy
threw out the 1st pitch.

A local hospital dressed up
newborn babies as pirates!!

My favorite--He's so happy.

Bridge party after the game!

I've never been one to obsess over famous people--with the exception of one small time period of my life. My celebrities of choice were Hanson and the Magnificent 7 ('96 Olympic gold-medal winning gymnastics team--think Keri Strug and Shannon Miller). I was OBSESSED!

I loved Zac Hanson with every fiber of my being. I had posters on my wall, t-shirts, books, videos, everything Hanson I could get my hands on. I was accused of wanting to play drums in 5th grade only because of my love for Zac. I still claim this isn't true, but I may be questioning it more...

Because I finally got to see them in concert (thanks, Abby!). And seeing them live made me want to do 2 things: marry Zac and play the drums again (so maybe there is a slight connection between my drumming days and Zac). I can't explain the feeling of finally getting to see the band I had loved so hard.
Isaac, Zac, Taylor

The most shocking part was how little I remember their music! They kept playing songs off their first popular album (Middle of Nowhere), and I would have no idea what they were. The fan girls would go crazy within the first few chords, and I'd turn to Abby to ask her if I should know the song. She'd give me a crazy look and remind me that it was from the first album. She'd sing along to all the choruses, and I was left so confused because I couldn't recall the song at all! It makes me want to go buy their Middle of Nowhere album, but after listening to some of the songs on youtube I've realized that they really did not sound that good way back when.

Don't worry they sound good now. And look even better, too!!
Isaac, Zac (on guitar), and Taylor doing their solos.
At one point in the show Zac and Taylor actually switched instruments! WHAT?!
Zac on piano and Taylor on drums.

But the coolest part of the show was when they sang completely unplugged. The concert was at an old library (literally, you had to walk through the fiction section to get to the makeshift bar) and so the acoustics in the theater were really good. Because of the theater, they were able to sing a cappella. All 100+ fan girls were completely silent while they sang. It was so neat. And they said they don't get to do that often, so it was really cool that it happened at our show.

They probably played for a solid 2 hours. High energy, song after song, non-stop. It was such a great show! I have fallen all over again and am bringing back my love for Hanson. I only hope I get the chance to go to another show. And now, I convert all of you...

Zac singing solo:

Hanson Covering "Happy Together": (It might be played at our wedding... John or Zac)

MMM Bop, of course:

There's no stopping Hanson, or my love for them. The Anthem:

Sunday, October 27, 2013

We Went to DC... 3 Months Ago

I started grad school.

I feel like that's all that needs to be said in ways of explaining my lack of posts over the last 3 months. From Day 1, I've been overwhelmed. But now that I've made it through 8 weeks, 3 midterms, 1 final, 1 final paper, and a new internship, I'm starting to feel like I've finally got the hang of things. I'm taking this time to write as many posts as I can before all the projects and tests start back up again... in 4-5 weeks.

I'm loving grad school.

The weekend before my two-week long orientation, John and I took a small vacation to Washington, DC. One of the perks of Pittsburgh is the location. DC is only a 5-hour drive, which saved us the hassle of flying and gave us the luxury of having our own car. However, one of the perks to John, I'm finding out, is the perks. His aunt and uncle were extremely generous and kind to us, and they let us stay in their condo. The condo is within minutes of the first stop of the redline, so we could take the metro into town.

I literally just discovered that I lost all of my pictures from the trip--except for like 5 random ones. Luckily, I had Instagram'd a collage of pictures so I have very pixelated screen shots of that to use for my blog.

The first night we got there we decided to visit the Mall and all of the monuments. I even convinced John to take a romantic nighttime stroll along the surprisingly desolate reflection pool. We soon found out people weren't walking along the reflection pool because there were gnats EVERYWHERE! And since construction was the theme of the week, there was no way to exit the path. We had to walk the ENTIRE thing! I probably swallowed like 5 gnats because I wouldn't stop talking/complaining.
The blue mark on the leg is from the vandalism that had happened shortly before.
The next day we went to the zoo! The zoo is free, although John reminds me that our taxes pay for it. The only downside to this is that they charge you $3 for a map! We decided to go without and were pretty disappointed starting off. We constantly felt lost (it wasn't an easy-flowing zoo), and none of the animals were in the exhibits! Since the pandas were weeks away from giving birth, even they weren't out! Visiting the National Zoo and seeing no pandas--a shame!! We took a lunch break, and the visit picked up after that. (I'm not saying the food was the game-changer but... BGE*). There were two highlights for me: the otters and the O-line. The National Zoo has 11 otters! 11 playful, funny, active otters. One of them was playing with a rock (pictured) and another was seen carrying an entire tree branch in his mouth. We have no idea what he was doing with all that tree! The O-line is essentially a tight-rope that the orangutans walk across to get from one monkey house to another. And I should mention that the monkey houses are on opposite sides of the zoo! They go right over the heads of the visitors without a net or anything. It was SO COOL!

The next day was John's day. We went to Arlington National Cemetery and the American Natural History Museum. We happened to walk up to the Tomb of The Unknown Soldier right as they were about to do the changing of the guard. Arlington National Cemetery is probably my favorite place in DC. I just love the view from the eternal flame. I had never been to the History Museum, so it was fun to see the first ladys' dresses and the ACTUAL Star Spangled Banner (no pictures allowed).
The reason for the trip, of course, was to go to a Nationals game. John's uncle again generously left us his company tickets. So after an exclusive tour of the Washington Post by John's friend Tim, the three of us headed to the game. The seats were incredible and the presidential mascots were amazing. It was President Taft's debut, so he sneakily got a head start in the race. Unfortunately, sharknado got him! Never fear, Abe Lincoln dressed as batman saved him. It was wild and crazy, and I forget who actually won. I think we were mostly just confused.

We also ate a lot of excellent "cuisine." We visited Baked & Wired for cupcakes and treats, as well as the famous Ben's Chili Bowl. It was AWESOME!
It was such a great trip and I'm sure the first of many for us. Next time I promise not to erase my pictures. Ugh!

*BGE is a term created by my very clever brother-in-law Robert. He uses it when my sister becomes so hungry she gets angry. It means Bitch Gotta Eat. I've shared it with my friends, and it has since take off like wildfire.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


I'm absolutely, positively, 100% convinced that I am engaged to the sweetest man in the whole world. WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!!!

You might say I knew very early on that John was the one. I actually texted my good friend, Meghan Poore, saying "I know it seems crazy because it's only been three weeks, but he's the one!" And I wasn't some crazy girl just looking for love and dying to get married. I had my reasons for knowing.

And I've since developed more reasons for knowing.

And they may be centered around rocks.

Our First Date
We went on our first date August 14, 2011. John picked me up and took me to Elite Circle Grill for dinner. After, I suggested we go tortilla tossing. Tortilla tossing is a "Baylor thing." Basically you fling tortillas off the Suspension Bridge and try to land them on the cement pillar in the river. It's much harder than it sounds and not as lame as you're thinking it is. John landed one tortilla. I claim to land one as well, but it was dark and neither of us for sure saw it, so we'll never know.

After the tortilla tossing, John asked if I wanted walk along the river. We went a little ways and then he decided to sit on some nearby rocks. He sat down first and proceeded to dust the rock off next to him.

My heart melted.

I knew right then and there that he is the sweetest boy in the whole entire world. He was trying to clean off a rock for me! A rock! A hard lump of dirt! And there he was trying to make sure it was okay for me to sit on. Who wouldn't want to be with the boy who will do whatever he can to make sure you're getting the best? Even when the task at hand is practically impossible?

I will never forget that moment.

Our Time Apart
About two weeks after our first date, John and I started seeing each other on a daily basis. We spent every weeknight together after/before work, and all of our weekends together. We were in puppy love bliss.

After 7 months of dating though, John felt our foundation was strong enough to endure a long distance. He decided to move to Pittsburgh and so began one of the hardest periods of my life. I spent the majority of my free time from January to May looking for a job in Pittsburgh. And while I had interviews here and there, nothing ever developed. I finally took a job in the Dallas area (just to get out of the news business) and continued (half heartedly) to search for a job in Pittsburgh. We knew before he left that I would move to Pittsburgh eventually, we just had no idea when. And with no job prospects, the move seemed very far off.

The first few months of our long-distance relationship were so tough. But then I moved to Dallas, got in a routine and things got easier. But as 6 months turned to 9, you can say I got a little crazy.

Throughout it all, John stayed strong. He was my rock. He reminded me the end would come and urged me to be patient. He put up with me when I refused to be patient and was unmoved when I would falter. If you want to know what he was like, you just need to listen to this song (which I can no longer hear without crying).

I am forever grateful for how solid John was during our year apart.

Our Engagement
John is a season ticket holder to the Pirates baseball games. I've gone to a handful of games with him this season and every time we talk about how we want to go to the Point at night.

The Point is this huge fountain/park area where the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers join together to form the Ohio River. This area has been closed for the last few years due to renovations. In June they finally opened it back up, and John and I were there for the grand re-opening. We saw it during the daytime then, but we heard it was much prettier at night. We just hadn't made the trek over there to see it.

On our way to the game John mentioned that we should walk over there after the game ended. I wasn't too sure that it was a good idea because I was extremely tired and had an early class the next morning. The game was unfortunately disappointing (the Pirates lost by 1 to the Brewers) and had some very looooong innings. It was 10:30 by the time the game ended but John insisted we walk over there. Every other time I've tried to get him to walk over there, he refused, so I figured I should take advantage of this opportunity and suck it up.

We got to the point at 10 til 11. A bike-riding officer informed us that the park closed in 10 minutes. So we hurried around to the very tip so we could get a picture with the city skyline in the background. Since no one else was at the point, John told me to just take a picture of the fountain with the background without us in it. I snapped the picture and when I turned back around, he was down on one knee. And in his hand was the most gorgeous rock I've ever seen!! Not long after, the fountain shut off and we were told to leave. We spent the rest of the night calling our friends and family to share the news!

It was the best night of my life.

I am in love with the rock that sits so elegantly on my left hand and constantly has me staring.
I am in love with the rock that sits along the Brazos River and was "cleaned" off by my favorite boy.
I am in love with the rock that sits permanently in my life and refuses to budge no matter what I do or what mood I'm in.
I am in love with John Peter Mallick IV, and I so can't wait to marry him.

The only picture of us that night.
Pre-game and pre-proposal.
My gorgeous ring from all angles!

The (crappy) picture I took as he got
down on one knee.
The best night ever.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily... Life Is But A Dream

One of the best things about John is his sisters. Unfortunately, Emily doesn't live here (yet), but I have been able to hang out with Abby quite a lot. And while John isn't so interested in being outdoors and running 5K's, Abby is. Which is great for me!

Recently, Abby and I decided to snatch up a Living Social deal for a paddle boarding lesson and rental. Paddle boarding is like kayaking, except your standing on a very wide surfboard. It looks tricky and intimidating, but it was surprisingly easy!

Neither of us had paddle boarded before, so we were both expecting to fall in a lot. However, it's almost more difficult to fall off the board than it is to stay on. Actually, our guide told us that it's almost impossible for the boards to flip over. So if you do fall off, you can actually use the board to pull yourself back on the board, like you would the side of the pool.

I know this because I actually did fall off. Yeah, all this talk of how hard it is to fall off and here I am falling off. But we had just rescued a basketball and there was a tree branch I couldn't paddle around fast enough, so... there you go.

Paddle boarding is a great work out for your core and arms! You can definitely feel it in your obliques as you propel yourself forward. Our paddle board location was on the most beautiful river, and there was a rope swing! That may have been the best part about the paddle boarding.

The water was freezing. The rivers are disgusting to swim in. And we had to walk through mud, climb rocks and scale trees in order to swing. But we're just adventurers like that.

Abby getting ready to swing.
Me getting ready to swing.

Abby's not so graceful entry.
My not so graceful entry.

But we got better...
Such a pretty day!

Next, we hope to conquer paddle board yoga, and then we're moving on to bigger and wilder. Down river boarding, here we come!

Our next adventure!!